Learning and Improving Together
Milbank has lasted nearly a century, in part due to the dedication and hard work of our employees. The team that builds our products is a huge value to the business and for that reason, we dedicate resources toward making sure they do the best job possible.
To enrich the employee experience, Milbank pursues training and development efforts like Training Within Industry (TWI) at our three manufacturing locations. TWI helps foster employee growth and empowers workers in production to shape and influence the processes they work on every day.
Hands-on training for production workers allows Milbank to manufacture high quality products that are less prone to error, while also giving employees the chance to ask questions, understand what they are doing and influence what happens on the floor. The Milbank training process is based around the Job Instruction (JI) model, which uses written instructions for each area of production to help ensure the process is documented and clearly explained. Each employee who receives training in this model receives in-person instruction and explanations of the “why” behind the process.
In addition, training in production is done by the people who know the process best! Once an employee has become proficient in their area, they can become a certified trainer and work to train new employees on the process. As a trainer, employees can also help document written steps and best practices for the area where they work.
Here are some examples of the training and development our employees receive:
- The opportunity to try different areas on the manufacturing floor to locate the best fit for them
- Standardized training so everyone receives the same instructions and understanding
- Additional training offerings to progress knowledge and skills
- Opportunities to offer suggestions that will make processes safer or more effective
- Education assistance for employees who taking courses aimed at a degree that is relevant to their present or future work
- A leadership development program to strengthen the skills of Milbank leadership
- Continuing education through seminars and classes provided by the company

This commitment to our employees means that Milbank enjoys a low turnover rate and longevity from our employees—more than a third of Milbank employees have been with the company 10 years or longer. When a new position is created, Milbank typically posts these openings internally first, looking for qualified candidates to promote from within.
Training and development efforts throughout the company earned Milbank a Manufacturing Talent Development award from the Missouri Association of Manufacturers (MAM) in 2018.
Milbank welcomes feedback to make sure processes are up to date and running smoothly. This goes hand in hand with our commitment to safety—as demonstrated through OSHA recognition like the Kansas City plant’s VPP status and the El Dorado plant’s Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) status. Milbank works to maintain an environment of safety and has received ongoing industry recognition for those efforts. Our commitment to efficiency and improvement also factors into a lean manufacturing approach that eliminates waste in our production processes.
Want to join the Milbank team? Check out our open positions and help us work toward getting better every day!